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Title: Microbiological and pharmaceutical activity in Ghana: a review
Authors: Caurie, M.
Keywords: Microbiological activity;Pharmaceutical activity;Ghana
Issue Date: 1971
Publisher: International Atomic Energy Agency
Citation: Radiation and Radioisotopes for Industrial Microorganisms, 289-303
Abstract: The review deals with the microbiological and pharmaceutical activities in Ghana from 1900 to date. It indicates that most microbiological effort has been concentrated on cocoa disease control with comparatively little work on other crops, Similarly. soil microbiology has received practically no attention. Food microbiology, which was previously neglected. is now receiving serious attention. Work in medical microbiology has indicated an increasing drug resistance of Salmonella and Staphylococcus spp. to certain antibiotics. Pharmaceutical research in Ghana has been concentrated on alkaloid containing plants to find new substances as well as to identify plants from which existing known substances of medicinal value may be found as alternative sources of supply. Several new finds have been reported in this program of research
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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