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Title: Impact assessment of storage management in the poverty alleviation programme: a case study in Ghana and lessons for Sub-Saharan Africa
Authors: Jonfia-Essien, W. A.
Obodai, M.
Keywords: Impact assessment;Storage management;Poverty alleviation;Ghana
Issue Date: 2003
Citation: FoodAfrica, Internet Forum, 31 March – 11 April, 1-4
Abstract: Poverty is now a global issue and all efforts are being made by world leaders to forge a global partnership for development to set people free from the abject and dehumanising conditions of extreme poverty. So much work has gone into the development of frameworks, resolutions, pacts, reviews and other documents with the view of alleviating poverty. Countries of Sub-Saharan Africa have been actively involved in these processes without appreciable success. The deepening woes of Sub-Saharan African countries calls for much concern for storage facilities and storage management and the need to re-strategize to include them as a major core of the poverty alleviation programme. This paper therefore assesses the impact of the poverty alleviation programme so far in the Sub-Saharan African countries using Ghana as a case study to draw lessons for other countries
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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