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dc.contributor.authorOduro-Yeboah, C.-
dc.contributor.authorAkonor, P. T.-
dc.contributor.authorPadi, A.-
dc.contributor.authorBoateng, C.-
dc.description.abstractThe PAYDP is an NGO that has a vision to improve the welfare of vulnerable street girls such as head porters. The NGO’s hopes to empower this vulnerable group in society through legal literacy, livelihood skills training, adolescent and sexual reproductive health education and human rights advocacy . As part of their livelihood enhancement activities, a training was held at CSIR-Food Research Institute for 20 Head Porters selected by the NGO from Accra and Kumasi. The aim of the training was to endow head porters with the skill in processing and utilizing HQCF, cocoyam and sweetpotato flour for bakery applications, and production of cereal mix and soybean flour. The training was largely hands-on and practical, in which all trainees actively participated. The trainees were taught the details of each unit operation involved in processing winimix from local cereals and flours from root crops such as cassava, green plantain, cocoyam and sweetpotato. They were also given an expose on food safety in food processing. The participants expressed much appreciation at having taken part in the training program because they acquired skill set and practical knowledge required to process winimix, soybean powder, flours from root crops and pastries made from these floursen
dc.publisherCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghanaen
dc.subjectHead portersen
dc.subjectRoot and tuberen
dc.subjectCereal mixen
dc.subjectSoybean powderen
dc.titleReport on the training of head porters from Accra and Kumasi on production and utilization of root and tuber flours, cereal mix and soybean powderen
dc.typeTechnical Reporten
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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