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Title: Studies on koko, Ghanaian fermented maize porridge
Authors: Andah, A.
Muller, H. G.
Keywords: Maize;Maize porridge;Koko;Fermented products;Fermented maize;Ghana
Issue Date: 1973
Publisher: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Ghana
Citation: Ghana Journal Of Agricultural Science, 6, 103-108
Abstract: Koko (maize porridge), also known in certain areas of Ghana as akasa, was prepared in the laboratory from Ghanaian maize. The effect of grinding and sieving on the protein content was determined. Protein losses were highest with the coarsest grinding. Starters were used in the fermentation, and were found to increase the rate of acid production. Preservation of koko was carried out by roller-drying, spray-drying, freeze-drying and canning. The volatile constituents of the flavours were lost during roller-drying and spray-drying. Freeze-drying was successful but would be too expensive for commercial production of koko. It could, however, be used in the laboratory for research work. Canning of koko was also successful, though more work on its microbiological aspect is needed to give conclusive results. Thiamine and riboflavin contents were determined at various stages in the preparation of koko. Slight losses of these two vitamins occurred during steeping of maize. Fermentation increased thiamine considerably although only very slight increases were recorded for riboflavin
ISSN: 0855-0042
Journal Name: Ghana Journal Of Agricultural Science
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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