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Title: Growth and yield of three Pleurotus species on rice straw
Authors: Narh, D. L.
Obodai, M.
Keywords: Pleurotus species;Triplochition scleroxylon;Sawdust;Oyster mushroom;Rice straw;Ghana
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Citation: Ghana Journal Of Agricultural Science, 46, 43-47
Abstract: Rice straw, composted Triplochition scleroxylon sawdust and rice straw – T. scleroxylon sawdust (1:1 w/w ration) combination were used as substrates to cultivate three species of the oyster mushrooms, Pleurotus ostreatus strain EM1, Pleurotus ostreatus floridarus strain POF and Pleurotyus pulmonarus strain PPO. Rice straw supported the best mycelial growth for the three strains and the rice straw – T. scleroxylon sawdust was the least suitable. On the other hand, the rice straw – T. scleroxylon sawdust mediym was the best substrate for mushroom production by the highest-yielding Pleurotys ostreatus strain EM1
ISSN: 0855-0042
Journal Name: Ghana Journal Of Agricultural Science
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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