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Title: Characterization of two new multidrug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium smegmatis: tools for routine In Vitro screening of novel anti-mycobacterial agents
Authors: Arthur, P. K.
Amarh, V.
Cramer, P.
Arkaiffe, G. B.
Blessie, E. J. S.
Fuseini, M. S.
Carilo, I.
Yeboah, R.
Asare, L.
Robertson, B. D.
Keywords: Antibiotics;Antimicrobial resistance;Tuberculosis;Mycobacteria
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: MDPI
Citation: Antibiotics, 8 (1), 1-14
Abstract: Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a pathogen of global public health concern. This threat is exacerbated by the emergence of multidrug-resistant and extremely-drug-resistant strains of the pathogen. We have obtained two distinct clones of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium smegmatis after gradual exposure of Mycobacterium smegmatis mc² 155 to increasing concentrations of erythromycin. The resulting resistant strains of Mycobacterium smegmatis exhibited robust viability in the presence of high concentrations of erythromycin and were found to be resistant to a wide range of other antimicrobials. They also displayed a unique growth phenotype in comparison to the parental drug-susceptible Mycobacterium smegmatis mc² 155, and a distinct colony morphology in the presence of cholesterol. We propose that these two multidrug-resistant clones of Mycobacterium smegmatis could be used as model organisms at the inceptive phase of routine in vitro screening of novel antimicrobial agents targeted against multidrug-resistant Mycobacterial tuberculosis
Journal Name: Antibiotics
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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