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Title: Baseline socio-economic studies on 1993 pilot village: Gbegbeise
Authors: Lokko, P.
Anson, S.
Keywords: Baseline studies;Socioecomic studies;Fish processing;Ghana
Issue Date: 1993
Publisher: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghana
Abstract: Baseline socio-economic studies were conducted on Gbegbeise, a fishing community in Accra, selected for the 1993 Artisanal fish processing course. The study looked at the area characteristics, basic amenities and existing traditional fish processing methods. In general, the standard of living was found to be low but better than in other fishing communities. Sanitary conditions need to be improved upon. The study found that the community had already adopted the Chorkor Oven but the ovens had been copied wrongly. The main occupation of the women was fish smoking. They play a major role in fish distribution and marketing. They also make good profit in their business. Simple programs like health and nutrition education, literacy classes, credit facilities and family planning will greatly improve their standard of living
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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