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dc.contributor.authorObodai, M.-
dc.contributor.authorNarh, D. L.-
dc.contributor.authorDzomeku, M.-
dc.contributor.authorTakli, R. K.-
dc.contributor.authorPrempeh, J.-
dc.description.abstractIn January, 2012 a project was initiated with the research title “Characterization, conservation and Domestication of indigenous Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms on agricultural residues” (CDEMM). This project is under the sponsorship of Africa–Brazil Agricultural Innovation Marketplace, with FUNARBE as financiers. The CDEMM project is a collaborative project between the Mushroom Unit of the CSIR-FRI and EMBRAPA Genetic Resources and Biotechnology, in Brazil. As part of this project a three-day intensive trainer-of-trainers workshop on mushroom cultivation using the Juncao Technique was held from Monday 13th to Wednesday, 15th May 2013 at both the Apesiwa Conference Room in CSIR-FRI and the Mushroom Research Facilities at the CSIR-FRI Mushroom Unit. The workshop participants included all members of the CSIR-FRI Mushroom Unit, a member of the CSIR-FRI Nutrition and Socioeconomics Division, three Post Graduate students and a Brazilian who had just completed his PhD thesis. The workshop included both lectures and hands-on practical sessionsen_US
dc.publisherCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghanaen_US
dc.subjectTraining courseen_US
dc.subjectMushroom cultivationen_US
dc.titleReport on trainer of trainers workshop at Apesiwa Conference room, CSIR-FRI, Ghanaen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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