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dc.contributor.authorOduro-Yeboah, C.-
dc.contributor.authorObodai, M.-
dc.contributor.authorAnyebuno, G. A. A.-
dc.contributor.authorAnnan, T.-
dc.contributor.authorOfori, H.-
dc.contributor.authorAmoa-Awua, W. K.-
dc.description.abstractTwo hundred and forty eight producers (248) of Ga kenkey, Fanti kenkey and Akporhie kenkey from 21communities from the Greater Accra, Central and Eastern region of Ghana were interviewed on the practices, perception and experiences on kenkey production. Majority of producers (84.5%) learnt trade from family and gave same reason for production. Fanti and Ga kenkey producers gave family trade as reason for production. Akporhie / nsiho producers were in the trade because it was a source of employment. Production of types of kenkey was mainly on small scale artisanal level; majority processed 1-3 bags of 50kg maize. Few however processed 10-12bags of 100kg maize and more than 25bags of 50kg maize. Majority of respondent processed maize into kenkey 1-3times in a week. Sixty- eight and sixty-six producers produced kenkey 7-10times and 4-6times respectively. This could be attributed to the laborious and time consuming for kenkey production. Quality of maize was assessed by physically examining grains (size, shape, and weight, mould-free and insect free). In increasing order of labour intensive unit operations, mixing of Aflata with fresh dough, aflata preparation and molding of kenkey were difficult unit operations in kenkey production. Kenkey producers indicated that the shelf-life of Ga kenkey is 1-3days, Akporhie(nsiho) is 4-6days and Fanti kenkey is 7-14 days. Kenkey production is a profitable trade, there is the potential of using unpurchased productsen_US
dc.publisherCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghanaen_US
dc.subjectConsumer preferencesen_US
dc.subjectConsumer surveysen_US
dc.subjectKenkey productionen_US
dc.subjectTraditional knowledgeen_US
dc.titleA survey on traditional practices and perception on types of kenkey production in three regions of Ghanaen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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