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Title: Barriers hindering the development and implementation of verification programmes at some selected pineapple juice processing companies in Ghana
Authors: Ackah, N. B.
Hagelaar, G.
Kirezieva, K. K.
Atikpo, M. O.
Andoh, A. H.
Keywords: Pineapple juice;Pineapples;Quality assurance;Juice processing;Quality management system;Verification programs;Ghana
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology
Citation: International Proceedings of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering, 67, 85-91
Abstract: Quality assurance measures during fruit juice production include verification of hygiene and temperature control to assure that microbiological contamination and proliferation are limited. However, most food companies in Ghana do not have adequate quality assurance systems. Bottlenecks that served as barriers to the development and implementation of verification programs in some selected pineapple juice processing companies were identified. Personal interviews and structured questionnaires used in data collection for four case studies revealed barriers as lack of high management commitment, lack of adequate resources and lack of adequate technical and scientific information
ISBN: 978-981-079558-0
ISSN: 2010-4618
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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