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Title: A risk assessment of the likelihood of anthrax infected hide/skin used on drums exported from Ghana
Authors: Kunadu-Ampratwum, F.
Glover-Amengor, M.
Boateng, B. A.
Keywords: Anthrax;Risk analysis;Drum;Hide;Skin;Ghana
Issue Date: 2004
Citation: Proceedings of the Pan African Conference On Risk Analysis and Modelling and Sanitary/Phytosanitary (SPS) Capacity Building in Sub-Sahara Africa: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 27 September - 1 October, 21-31
Abstract: Anthrax is primarily a disease of domesticated and wild animals particularly herbivores. Humans become infected accidentally when they come in contact with diseased animals, which includes their flesh, hides or skins hair excrement. In this risk analysis we have looked at the likelihood of anthrax infected hides or skins being used for drums exported from Ghana. The risk analysis considered the eleven risk factors according to US CFR 92.2 of 1999. The risk reduction procedures include animal movement control, ante-mortem inspection, and post-mortem inspection, hide/skin treatment, and laboratory culture. Computer simulations were carried out to evaluate the infected skins/hides used on drums was found to be extremely low
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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