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Title: Thin layer drying kinetics of solar-dried Amaranthus hybridus and Xanthosoma sagittifolium Leaves
Authors: Akonor, P. T.
Amankwah, E. A.
Keywords: Drying curves;Effective moisture diffusivity;Leafy vegetables;Mathematical modelling;Solar drying
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: OMICS Publishing Group
Citation: Journal of Food Processing & Technology, 3 (8), 1-5
Abstract: The aim of the study was to model the solar drying characteristics of the leaves of Amaranthus hybridus and Xanthosoma sagittifolium dried in thin layers. Fresh leaves were obtained from Centre for Biodiversity Utilisation and Development (CBUD) farms, trimmed into strips of 0.3 cm x 3 cm and loaded into cabinet solar dryers up to a 5 mm layer. Drying was monitored and moisture loss was determined by loss in weight of samples at hourly interval. Drying data were fitted to five thin layer models, namely; Newton’s, Page’s, Modified Page, Handerson and Pabis and Logarithmic models by Non-linear Regression Analysis, the effective diffusivity was also determined for the two leafy vegetables. All five models showed a good fit between observed and predicted values, with Page’s model resulting in the highest r2 and lowest RMSE and X2 and hence the best model to describe the solar-drying characteristics of the two vegetables
ISSN: 2157-7110
Journal Name: Journal of Food Processing & Technology
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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