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Title: Development of new value-added products from yam (Dioscorea rotundata), consumer data collection and analysis for commercial viability
Authors: Tortoe, C.
Nketia, S.
Glover-Amengor, M.
Owusu, M.
Hagan, L. L.
Akonor, P. T.
Dowuona, S.
Padi, A.
Keywords: Yams;Dioscorea rotundata;Value added;Data collection;Consumer surveys;Commercial viability;Ghana
Issue Date: 2013
Citation: Poster presented at the MRI Consultancy Workshop at CSIR–STEPRI, Accra, Ghana. 7th February
Abstract: Yam (Dioscorea spp.) is a popular staple tropical root crop in West Africa. Its postharvest loses are between 30 - 40%. Developing value-added products would help address postharvest losses of yam. Three new yam products namely; Precooked Vacuum Packaged Yam, Yam Crisps and Yam-Legume Flour, were developed. Sensory evaluation was conducted on these products at the Test-Kitchen, CSIR-FRI and the products further subjected to a consumer acceptability test in three selected locations in Accra, viz. Irish Kitchen, Tasty Treats, and the Central Business District of Accra Metropolis. The developed products were compared to competing products evaluated for preference, while the packaging was assessed based on attractiveness, size and user-friendliness. The developed products were generally rated as “same as” competing products with puna, shrimp flavoured crisps and flour composed of 8:1:1 yam flour, soybean flour and cowpea flour, being the most preferred precooked vacuum packaged yam, yam crisps and pudding from yam-legume flour, respectively. Packaging was also largely attractive and user-friendly and the size was adequate. The three products have the prospects of performing greatly on the local and export market
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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