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dc.contributor.authorAfoakwa, E. O.-
dc.contributor.authorKongor, J. E.-
dc.contributor.authorTakrama, J. F.-
dc.contributor.authorBudu, A. S.-
dc.contributor.authorMensah-Brown, H.-
dc.identifier.citationJournal of Food Science and Engineering, 3, 235-245en
dc.description.abstractChanges in total polyphenols, O-diphenols and anthocyanin concentrations during fermentation and drying of pulp pre-conditioned cocoa (Theobroma cacao) beans were investigated using standard analytical methods. Increasing pod storage, fermentation and drying led to variable reductions in total polyphenols, O-diphenols and anthocyanins content of the beans. The rates of reduction were however more pronounced during fermentation than pod storage and drying. Storage of cocoa pods between 3-7 days with 6 and 7 days of fermentation and drying respectively retained 85%-90% of the total polyphenol and O-diphenols of the cocoa beans. Similarly, anthocyanin content of beans from the 10 days of pod storage decreased by 70% in the sixth day of fermentation. Pod storage decreased the anthocyanin content at all periods of fermentation. These suggest that the post-harvest treatments of pod storage, fermentation and drying all results in variable reductions in polyphenolic content (total polyphenols and O-diphenols) and anthocyanins content of cocoa beansen
dc.publisherDavid Publishingen
dc.subjectTheobroma cacaoen
dc.subjectPod storageen
dc.subjectPulp preconditioningen
dc.subjectTotal polyphenolsen
dc.titleEffects of pulp preconditioning on total polyphenols, O-diphenols and anthocyanin concentrations during fermentation and drying of cocoa (Theobroma cacao) beansen
dc.journalnameJournal of Food Science and Engineering-
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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