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Title: The chemical composition of fresh and evaporated milk of cow marketed in Ghana
Authors: Ankrah, E. K.
Keywords: Chemical composition;Proximate analysis;Proximate composition;Ghana;Evaporated milk;Cow milk;Fresh milk
Issue Date: 1973
Publisher: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Ghana
Citation: Ghana Journal Of Agricultural Science, 6 (2), 109-111
Abstract: The chemical composition of fresh milk and evaporated milk of cow from both local and imported sources was determined. The imported types of fresh milk and evaporated milk contained over 3% and 9% butterfat respectively; these figures agreed with the label declaration. The locally-produced fresh milk samples were found to contain mean values ranging from 2·76 % to 7·50% for butterfat, 11'62% to 15·19% for total solids, 2·99% to 3'63% for protein and 0·59% to 0'62% for ash. Crossbreeds of Jersey and any of the local breeds of Jersey and any local breeds of cattle produce milk of high chemical composition
ISSN: 0855-0042
Journal Name: Ghana Journal Of Agricultural Science
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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