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Title: Service delivery assessment at a public research laboratory, Ghana, West Africa
Authors: Ansa, E. D. O.
Wahaga, E.
Tandoh-Offin, P.
Andoh, A.
Keywords: Employee perception;Customer service;Service quality
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: International Journal of Development and Management Review, 16 (1), 1-15
Abstract: The study evaluated service delivery of a public research laboratory from the perspective of both employees and clients in Accra, Ghana. The quota sampling technique was used to administer copies of structured questionnaire to staff of the laboratory using a five-point Likert scale and based on four constructs of the SERVQUAL model of service delivery. There were significant differences between client expectations and perceived service received. Employees met client expectation on courtesy and their willingness to help customers with undivided attention. Responsiveness, tangibles, and competence were key constructs that emerged as important in the measurement of service quality in the environmental management laboratory services industry. It is recommended that attention be paid to areas where significant gap existed between client perception and expectation of service quality. These may include issues such as acquisition of ultra-modern equipment that can handle several samples at the same time and improvement in visitor reception areas
ISSN: 1597-9482
Journal Name: International Journal of Development and Management Review
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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