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Title: Reducing bacterial contamination of fresh cabbage using vinegar and salt
Authors: Atter, A.
Amewowor, D.
Amoa-Awua, W.
Keywords: Cabbage;Aerobic mesophiles;Coliforms;Escherichia coli;Staphylococcus aureus;Bacillus cereus
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: B P International
Citation: Current Perspectives in Agriculture and Food Science, 3, 18-31
Abstract: Green cabbage has great nutritional and therapeutic value and is mostly used as the main ingredient in salads. Unfortunately, they are prone to contamination along the value chain. This work aimed to evaluate the bacteria population in different sections of green cabbage heads obtained from five selected markets in Accra and also to determine the most appropriate method for reducing the bacteria population before consumption. Samples were obtained from five open markets in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. Fresh leaves taken from the samples' outer, middle, and inner sections were analyzed for aerobic mesophilic organisms, coliforms, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, and Escherichia coli. They were washed with tap water, 5% salt solution, or 50% vinegar solution for 5 min, and the effectiveness of the treatments in reducing the bacteria population was determined. The analysis revealed that the outer sections of fresh green cabbage heads had the highest microbial load, followed by the middle sections, and the inner sections were nearly sterile. Coliforms ranged from 104–106 CFU/g for the untreated outer sections, 102–104 CFU/g for the untreated middle sections, and 101 CFU/g for the untreated inner sections. The treatment with 50% vinegar solution was the most efficient in reducing the bacteria population on the samples, followed by 5% salt solution, and tap water was the least effective. The findings of this study can be used to raise awareness about the limited effectiveness of the use of ordinary tap water by caterers to wash cabbages and promote the use of vinegar or salt solutions to reduce microbial contamination in cabbages
ISBN: 978-81-19217-13-7
ISSN: 978-81-19217-15-1
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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