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Title: Lactic acid bacteria in fermenting maize dough
Authors: Christian, W. F. K.
Keywords: Lactic acid bacteria;Fermented products;Maize;Maize dough;Fermentation
Issue Date: 1970
Publisher: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Ghana
Citation: Ghana Journal Of Science, 10 (1), 22-28
Abstract: Samples of maize dough at an advanced stage of fermentation have been analysed microbiologically. A mixed population of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts has been found in all the samples. Apart from the yeasts the most common species of bacteria found in all the samples examined is the homofermentative Pediococcus cerevisiae. This is associated with heterofermentative species which may be either Leuconostoc mesenteroides or Lactobacillus fermenti. The medium used in isolating micro-organisms from the fermented dough is important. On nutrient agar only yeasts have been isolated. The lactic acid bacteria tend to appear only on YDA and MRS agars, the latter media being more favourable for the lactobacilli
ISSN: 0016-9544
Journal Name: Ghana Journal Of Science
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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