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Title: Functional properties of full-fat soy flour from soybeans grown in Ghana: emulsifying properties
Authors: Plahar, W. A.
Bediako-Amoa, B.
Fejer, D.
Keywords: Soybeans;Soybean flour;Ghana;Functional properties;Emulsifying properties
Issue Date: 1977
Publisher: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Ghana
Citation: Ghana Journal Of Agricultural Science, 10, 79-83
Abstract: Samples of full-fat soy flour produced from five soybean varieties grown in Ghana were examined for their emulsifying properties both in a simple system containing only the flour and in combination with wheat flour, skimmed milk or meat extract to form a complex system. Samples from all the varieties were found to enhance emulsifying activity and to stabilize the emulsion formed against heat treatment. The effect of a particular variety on a complex system had no relationship with its performance in a simple system but in all cases, the degree of thermal destruction was found to depend to some extent on the initial strength of the emulsion. The various samples analysed showed varietal difference in their emulsifying properties
ISSN: 0855-0042
Journal Name: Ghana Journal Of Agricultural Science
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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