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Title: Building the capacity of farmer based organisation for sustainable rice farming in Northern Ghana
Authors: Quaye, W.
Yawson, I.
Manful, J. T.
Gayin, J.
Keywords: Stakeholders;Rice;Development;Sustainability;Ghana
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Canadian Center of Science and Education
Citation: Journal of Agricultural Science, 2 (1), 93-106
Abstract: This study assessed the perceptions of stakeholders concerning implementation activities of a Food Security and Rice Producers Organisation Project (FSRPOP) in Northern Ghana. The project aimed at building the capacities of farmer based organisations (FBOs) to assist rice farmers access credit, organise production inputs and improve market access. The study results showed that although access to input supply and production credit improved, enhancing farmers’ marketing capacity was not successful. The management capacity of the FBOs was weak in performing more complex administrative issues and market facilitating roles. Timely provision of production inputs, use of custom based processing and credit inventory system for maximum profit were some of the lessons learnt. Facilitation of farmer - medium scale buyer linkages and the development of lessons-based action plan for change with beneficiaries were recommended
ISSN: 1916-9752
Journal Name: Journal of Agricultural Science
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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