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Title: A stakeholder approach to investigating public perception and attitudes towards agricultural biotechnology in Ghana
Authors: Yawson, R. M.
Quaye, W.
Williams, I. E.
Yawson, I.
Keywords: Biotechnology;Public opinion;Ghana;Public perception
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Center for Tailoring Biotechnologies and Genomics
Citation: Tailoring Biotechnologies, 4 (1&2), 55-70
Abstract: A stakeholder survey was conducted in Ghana to assess the level of public perceptions and acceptance of agricultural biotechnologies. A total of 100 respondents drawn from academia, Non-governmental organizations, business community, government and other stakeholders were interviewed on their views on self-protection attitudes, health and economic benefits, skeptism and optimism about agricultural biotechnologies as well as the level of confidence in existing government regulatory systems to protect society against any negative effects of biotechnological issues. Although half of the sample interviewed did not accept biotechnologies in general and GM foods in particular, there was rather high approval of some specific health and economic benefits. About 80 percent of the sample interviewed lack confidence in existing government regulatory systems probably due to inadequate capacity. Upgrading of the existing regulatory system with adequate capacity to regulate the ethical and moral issues associated with biotechnologies and GM foods was recommended
ISSN: 1574-1990
Journal Name: Tailoring Biotechnologies
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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