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Research Articles of the CSIR-Food Research Institute

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 563
TitleAuthor(s)Issue DateType
Physical, cooking and thermal properties of African rice (oryza glaberrima) and its starch digestibility in vitroGayin, J.; Abdel-Aal, E. S. M.; Manful, J. T.; Bertoft, E.; Marcone, M.; Ragaee, S.2017Article
Evaluation of Cocoyam-Wheat composite flour in pastry products based on proximate composition, physicochemical, functional, and sensory propertiesAkonor, P. T.; Tortoe, C.; Buckman, E. S.2018Article
Effect of green leafy vegetables powder on anaemia and vitamin-A status of Ghanaian school childrenEgbi, G.; Gbogbo, S.; Mensah, G. E.; Glover-Amengor, M.; Steiner-Asiedu, M.2018Article
Determination of the chemical and functional properties of yam bean (Pachyrhizus erosus (L.) Urban) flour for food systemsBuckman, E. S.; Oduro, I.; Plahar, W. A.; Tortoe, C.2018Article
Investigating the adoption of the root and tuber composite flour (RTCF) technology transferred among micro- and small-scale entrepreneurs (MSEs) in the bakery industry in GhanaQuaye, W.; Onumah, J. A.; Tortoe, C.; Akonor, P. T.; Buckman, E. S.2018Article
Sensory attributes of three edible tropical mushrooms and their use in formulating food products for children 2 -5 years oldHagan, L. L.; Johnson, P. N. T.; Obodai, M.; Blay, A. M. Y.; Simons, C.; Dzomeku, M.2018Article
Widespread exposure to infectious bronchitis virus and Mycoplasma gallisepticum in chickens in the Ga-East district of Accra, GhanaAyim-Akonor, M.; Obiri-Danso, K.; Akonor, P. T.; Sellers, H. S.2018Article
Correlations of cap diameter (pileus width), stipe length and biological efficiency of Pleurotus ostreatus (Ex.Fr.) Kummer cultivated on gamma‑irradiated and steam‑sterilized composted sawdust as an index of quality for pricingKortei, N. K.; Odamtten, G. T.; Obodai, M.; Wiafe-Kwagyan, M.; Narh Mensah, D. L.2018Article
Nutritional qualities and shelf life extension of gamma irradiated dried Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. Ex. Fr.) Kummer preserved in two different storage packsKortei, N. K.; Odamtten, G. T.; Obodai, M.; Wiafe-Kwagyan, M.2017Article
Determination of color parameters of gamma irradiated fresh and dried mushrooms during storageKortei, N. K.; Odamtten, G. T.; Obodai, M.; Appiah, V.; Akonor, P. T.2015Article
Chemical characterization and antioxidant potential of wild ganoderma species from GhanaObodai, M.; Narh Mensah, D. L.; Fernandes, A.; Kortei, N. K.; Dzomeku, M.; Teegarden, M.; Schwartz, S. J.; Barros, L.; Prempeh, J.; Takli, R. K.; Ferreira, C. F. R.2017Article
Mycofloral profile and the radiation sensitivity (D10 values) of solar dried and gamma irradiated Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. Ex. Fr.) Kummer fruitbodies stored in two different packaging materialsKortei, N. K.; Odamtten, G. T.; Obodai, M.; Wiafe-Kwagyan, M.2018Article
Bioprospecting of powdered pineapple rind as an organic supplement of composted sawdust for Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom cultivationNarh Mensah, D. L.; Addo, P.; Dzomeku, M.; Obodai, M.2018Article
Trace metal concentrations in three pastry products prepared from root and tuber and cereal crops composite floursTortoe, C.; Ofori, H.; Akonor, P. T.; Oduro-Obeng, H.2018Article
Trace metal and aflatoxin concentrations in some processed cereal and root and tuber flourOfori, H.; Tortoe, C.; Akonor, P. T.; Ampah, J.2016Article
Nutritional, microbial and sensory attributes of bread fortified with defatted watermelon seed flourAnang, D. A.; Pobee, R. A.; Antwi, E.; Obeng, E. M.; Atter, A.; Ayittey, F. K.; Boateng, J. T.2018Article
Thin layer drying kinetics of solar-dried Amaranthus hybridus and Xanthosoma sagittifolium LeavesAkonor, P. T.; Amankwah, E. A.2012Article
Egg consumption: patterns, preferences and perceptions among consumers in Accra metropolitan areaAyim-Akonor, M.; Akonor, P. T.2014Article
Physicochemical and colorimetric properties of green pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) pureeTortoe, C.; Akonor, P. T.; Mireku Essel, E.2016Article
Proximate composition and sensory evaluation of root and tuber composite flour noodlesAkonor, P. T.; Tortoe, C.; Buckman, E. S.; Hagan, L. L.2017Article
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 563