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Research Articles of the CSIR-Food Research Institute

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 541 to 560 of 567
TitleAuthor(s)Issue DateType
Evaluation of pearl millet varieties for adaptation to the semi-arid agro-ecology of Northern GhanaKanton, R. A. K.; Asungre, P.; Ansoba, E. Y.; Inusah, B. I. Y.; Bidzakin, J. K.; Abubakari, M.; Akonor, P. T.; Hagan, L. L.; Tortoe, C.; Akum, F. A.2015Article
Degradation of cyanogenic glycosides during the processing of high quality cassava flour (HQCF)Akonor, P. T.; Dziedzoave, N. T.; Ofori, H.2015Article
Effect of blanching and osmotic pre-treatment on drying kinetics, shrinkage and rehydration of chayote (Sechium edule) during convective dryingAkonor, P. T.; Tortoe, C.2014Article
Food safety knowledge: the case of domestic food handlers in AccraAkonor, P. T.; Akonor, M. A.2013Article
Consumer knowledge, preference, and perceived quality of dried tomato products in GhanaOwureku-Asare, M.; Ambrose, R. P. K.; Oduro, I.; Tortoe, C.; Saalia, F. K.2017Article
Physicochemical characterization of non-alcoholic beverages produced from malted roasted varieties of maize (Zea mays)Akonor, P. T.; Tortoe, C.; Oduro-Yeboah, C.2014Article
The mango industry in GhanaAbu, M.; Olympio, N. S.; Darko, J. O.; Adu-Amankwa, P.; Dadzie, B. K.2011Article
Baseline survey of city vegetable gardening in Greater AccraBlay, E. T.; Monney, E. O.; Gaveh, E.; Adu-Amankwa, P.2006Article
Postharvest systems of selected vegetables in the Upper East and West regions of GhanaAdu-Amankwa, P.; Boateng, B. A.2011Article
Postharvest status of plantains in some selected markets in GhanaAdu-Amankwa, P.; Boateng, B. A.2011Article
Postharvest problems of tomato production in Ghana: field studies of some selected major growing areas in GhanaEllis, W. O.; Olympio, N. S.; Mensah, E.; Adu-Amankwa, P.; Tetteh, A. Y.1998Article
Degradation of aflatoxin B1 by cell-free extracts of Rhodococcus erythropolis and Mycobacterium fluoranthenivorans sp. nov. DSM44556TTeniola, O. D.; Addo, P. A.; Brost, I. M.; Farber, P.; Jany, K. D.; Alberts, J. F.; vanZyl, W. H.; Steyn, P. S.; Holzapfel, W. H.2005Article
Developing a verification program for sanitation and pasteurisation activities during pineapple juice productionAckah, N. B.2014Article
Effect of blanching and frying on textural profile and appearance of yam (Dioscorea rotundata) french friesGraham-Acquaah, S.; Ayernor, G. S.; Bediako-Amoa, B.; Saalia, F. S.; Afoakwa, E. O.; Abbey, L. D.2015Article
Optimisation of chocolate formulation using dehydrated peanut-cowpea milk to replace dairy milkAidoo, H.; Sakyi-Dawson, E.; Abbey, L. D.; Tano-Debrah, K.; Saalia, F. K.2012Article
Viscoelastic characteristics of kpejigaou: a griddled cowpea foodAmonsou, E. O.; Saalia, F. K.; Sakyi-Dawson, E.; Sefa-Dedeh, S.; Abbey, L. D.2009Article
Texture profile analysis applied to pounded yamOtegbayo, B.; Aina, J.; Abbey, L. D.; Sakyi-Dawson, E.; Bokanga, M.; Asiedu, R.2007Article
Utilization of prawn head powder in enhancing the nutritional levels of some Ghanaian snacksAbbey, L. D.1999Article
Effect of artisanal parboiling methods on milling yield and cooked rice textural characteristicsManful, J. T.; Abbey, L. D.; Coker, R. D.2009Article
Optimization of the griddling process of Kpejigaou (a traditional low fat nutritious cowpea food) using response surface methodologyAmonsou, E.; Sakyi-Dawson, E.; Saalia, F.; Sefa-Dedeh, S.; Abbey, L. D.2010Article
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 541 to 560 of 567