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Title: Manual on the utilization of orange-fleshed sweet potato for processors and value chain actors
Authors: Kongor, J. E.
Oduro-Yeboah, C.
Nketia, S.
Padi, A.
Keywords: Training manual;Sweetpotato;Processors;Value chain actors;Orange fleshed;Utiliization
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: CSIR-Food Research Institute, Accra
Abstract: The objective of this training manual is to equip farmers, processors and other value chain actors with the requisite knowledge and skills on the production and utilization of OFSP flour, fortification of gari and Fanti kenkey with OFSP. Promoting the utilization of OFSP will foster household food and nutrition diversification. Additionally, diversified OFSP products can also significantly contribute to generating additional household income, through the establishment and improvement of small-scale businesses and thus, contribute to improving livelihoods of poor families in rural areas
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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