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dc.contributor.authorAtter, A.-
dc.contributor.authorNketia, S.-
dc.contributor.authorNyako, J.-
dc.contributor.authorAndoh-Odoom, A.-
dc.contributor.authorBlessie, E. J.-
dc.contributor.authorOfori, H.-
dc.contributor.authorBuckman, E.-
dc.contributor.authorAkonor, P. T.-
dc.contributor.authorBugyei, K. A.-
dc.contributor.authorObodai, M.-
dc.contributor.authorAmoa-Awua, W.-
dc.description.abstractThe Healthy Food Africa (HFA) project is a European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 collaborative research funded by the European Union, Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement No. GA 862740. The project, themed ‘Improving nutrition in Africa by strengthening the diversity, sustainability, resilience and connectivity of food systems’, is working with multi-stakeholders and value chain actors to co-generate, co-develop strategic roadmaps; and co-design analytical frameworks labeled Food System Labs (FSLs) to develop a sustainable food ecosystem for the country. The project has 17 partners and is coordinated by the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke). These partners are in Europe (Italy, Netherlands, Norway, and Portugal) and Africa (Ghana, Benin, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia). The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Food System Lab (FSL) also referred to as FSL-Accra (FSL-AC)/CSIR is represented jointly by the Water Research Institute and the Food Research Institute. The CSIR-Food Research Institute is actively participating in Work Packages 2, 4, and 6 and is also the lead for WP6. This report, therefore, outlines activities undertaken during the period at CSIR-FRIen
dc.publisherCSIR-Food Research Instituteen
dc.subjectTechnical reporten
dc.titleHealthy Food Africa Project report, 2022en
dc.typeTechnical Reporten
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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