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Title: Bambara marketing margins analysis in Ghana
Authors: Quaye, W.
Yawson, I.
Plahar, W. A.
Keywords: Bambara;Marketing margins;Marketing;Marketing analysis;Ghana;Distribution channels
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Ghana
Citation: Ghana Journal Of Science, 49, 3-15
Abstract: The study identified the distribution channels for bambara by tracing the movement of bambara grain from the producing centres to the consuming centres, examined the socio-economic background of producers and traders in the marketing system and analyzed bambara marketing margins using data on prices at the various levels of the distribution channel. The results indicated that approximately 35 per cent of volumes of bambara produced were utilized by the producer-households either as food and, for seed. Pricing was based largely on negotiation bargaining power, rather than the true value of the product, and the position of the producer in price formation was weak. The total gross marketing margin ((TGMM) for bambara was estimated at 41.66 per cent with producer participation margin (PPM) of 58.34 per cent. Total marketing charges was approximately 11 per cent of the retail price
ISSN: 0016-9544
Journal Name: Ghana Journal Of Science
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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