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dc.contributor.authorBugyei, K. A.-
dc.contributor.authorKavi, R. K.-
dc.description.abstractEmployees are the backbone of any company, therefore their management plays a major role in deciding the success of an organization. A flexible and easy to use Human Resource Information System solution for small and medium sized companies provides modules for personnel information management thereby organizations and companies are able to manage the crucial organizational asset – people. The combination of these modules into one application assures the perfect platform for re-engineering and aligning Human Resource processes along with the organizational goals. This system brings about an easy way of maintaining the details of employees working in any organization. The goal of this project is to design, develop and implement a web based human resource information system for the CSIR-Food Research Institute to fill the existing gaps in the electronic management of employees and to streamline the management of human resources. The system is implemented using a 3-tier approach with a backend database (MySQL database), a middle-tier of Apache and PHP and a front-end web browser (client). The report also discusses each of the underlying technologies used to create and implement the applicationen_US
dc.publisherCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghanaen_US
dc.subjectHuman resourcesen_US
dc.subjectManagement information systemsen_US
dc.subjectResearch institutionsen_US
dc.titleDesign and implentation of a web based human resource information for CSIR-Food Research Instituteen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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