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dc.contributor.authorJohnson, P. N. T.-
dc.description.abstractA simple structure capable of being used for on-farm storage of freshly harvested tomatoes was designed, constructed and evaluated on a tomato farm in the Ada District in Greater Accra Region. The storage structure in the form of an improved maize crib measured 2.13 m long by 1.83 m wide and with a height of 2.28 m. The storage unit which works on the principles of evaporative cooling was constructed out of simple and cheap local materials. It was able to achieve a relative cooling of 3.7ᵒC and increase in humidity of 13.2%, within the structure. These were at average ambient condition of 30ᵒC and 72.3% relative humidity. The storage structure was able to extend the shelf life of nearly 200kg of medium-sized tomatoes (Heinz var. 1409) by 5 days. The structures can be used to temporarily store tomatoes and other perishables before arrival of vehicles to convey them to the main marketing centresen_US
dc.publisherCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghanaen_US
dc.subjectPostharvest lossesen_US
dc.subjectOn-farm storageen_US
dc.subjectLycopersicon esculentumen_US
dc.subjectPassive evaporative coolingen_US
dc.titleDesign, construction and evaluation of a passive evaporative coolant for on-farm storage of freshly harvested tomatoesen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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