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dc.contributor.authorNerquaye-Tetteh, G. A.-
dc.contributor.authorAbbey, L. D.-
dc.description.abstractA comparative study to assess the effect of a draught control mechanism (DCM) on the performance of the Chorkor Smoker was carried out. A draught control mechanisms installed on the smoker is expected to produce a higher rate of moisture removal which would lead to reduction in the smoking line, frequency of smoking as well as savings in fuel usage. The DCM facilitated the removal of moisture at the rate of 0.08g/min as against 0.05g/min for the unit without the DCM. However an increase of one hour in the normal smoking time and a 42% increase in fuel consumption was noted. In addition the lower moisture content of 41.8% of the products from the unit with the DCM is not significantly low to avoid or reduce the frequency of re-smoking to obtain dried products for storageen_US
dc.publisherCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghanaen_US
dc.subjectChorkor smokeren_US
dc.subjectDraught control mechanismen_US
dc.subjectFish processingen_US
dc.subjectFish smokingen_US
dc.titleAssessment of effect of draught control mechanism on the performance of the chorkor smokeren_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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