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dc.contributor.authorNyarko, S.-
dc.description.abstractThe Food Processing Establishments covered in the survey were established between 1929 - 1975. The Asutsuare (Ghasel) Sugar Factory and State Farms Corporation solely belong to the State. Waff Trading Company and Alanfarm Sugar Products are state cum private undertakings and L. Rose Co. Ltd. and Cape Coast Citrus Ltd. are private enterprises. Apart from Ghasel, Alanfarm and the State Farms Corporation which have made some bold attempts to establish plantations to supply their factories with at least some part of raw material supplies, the rest rely on individual farmers for their full raw materials supplies. Same questionnaires were used for the survey for the collection of available data. and information. Plant capacities for individual establishments differ and this depends mostly on type of machinery and volume of production. The position of each establishment has been discussed in the report. The report is just a preliminary one and based on observation. The actual information collected is being analysed and which can be used by the Project Leader to write a comprehensive report on the subjecten_US
dc.publisherCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),Food Research Institute, Ghanaen_US
dc.subjectFood processingen_US
dc.subjectFood industryen_US
dc.titleSurvey of food processing establishments in Ghana: observation reporten_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Food Research Institute

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